【3/18】「ニューヨークの実例から学ぶ公共空間へのアプローチ -建築・都市デザイン事務所 WXYとデザイントラスト・フォー・パブリックスペースの創設者による講演-」開催!

-建築・都市デザイン事務所 WXYとデザイントラスト・フォー・パブリックスペースの創設者による講演-
16:00-17:00 |
◯講演クレア・ワイズ女史 |
17:00-17:30 |
◯ディスカッション及び質疑応答クレア・ワイズ女史 前掲 |
Tokyo Public Space Lecture Series 18-19th March 2016
[DAY 1] March 18th (Fri.) 16:00 to 17:30
“Approaches to Public Space” by the founders of WXY and Design Trust
for Public Space
[DAY 2] March 19th (Sat.) 15:00 to 17:30
‘Privately Owned Public Space: The New York City Experience’ by the author
The Urban Design Laboratory is inviting primal public space
designers and researcher from New York City and hosting Tokyo Public
Space Lecture Series. Programs are free and open to public. Venue is
Room 222, 14th engineering building 2F, Hongo campus, the University
of Tokyo.
Program Overviews:
[DAY 1] March 18th (Fri.) 16:00 to 17:30
As an architect and urbanist, Ms. Claire Weisz has founded the
prominent non-profit organization, Design Trust for Public Space,
which bridges public and private sector in numerous public space
projects including the Highline and Times Square Plaza. She is also
the founding principal of WXY architecture + urban design based in New
This lecture will focus on approaches to public space through
experiences in New York and discuss ways to tackle historical public
spaces in Tokyo.
Day 1 Program:
16:00- 17:00 Lecture
Ms. Claire Weisz, founding principal, WXY architecture + urban design,
co-founder of Design Trust for Public Space
Mr. Mark Yoes, founding principal, WXY architecture + urban design
17:00-17:30 Discussions and Q & A
Ms. Claire Weisz
Mr. Mark Yoes
Associate Professor, Naoto Nakajima, Department of Urban Engineering,
the University of Tokyo
Assistant Professor Christian Dimmer, Department of Urban Engineering,
the University of Tokyo
[DAY2] 3.19 Sat. 15:00 to 17:30
The Urban Design Laboratory and Public Space Lab invite Jerold
Kayden. He is the Frank Backus Williams Professor of Urban Planning &
Design at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. His
research and teaching focus on the relationship between law and the
built environment and public-private urban development.
Among other books, he authored ‘Privately Owned Public Space: The New
York City Experience’ and founded ‘Advocates for Privately Owned
Public Space’ (http://apops.mas.org/ ), a non-profit organization based
in New York City whose mission is to improve zoning-created plazas,
arcades, and indoor spaces.
Prof. Kayden’s lecture will provide an overview of incentive zoning
and the production of POPS in New York City as well as of the
inventory that his team created together with the NYC City Planning
Department and the Municipal Art Society. Furthermore, he will share
his experience with the recently completed, civil society-based
monitoring system for these privately owned public spaces.
Day 2 Program:
15:00- 16:00
– Privately Owned Public Space: The New York City Experience
– Jerold Kayden, Frank Backus Williams Professor of Urban Planning &
Design, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
– Privately Owned Public Space: The Tokyo Experience
– Tomokazu Arita, Professor for Land Use Planning, Engineering
Faculty, Division of Policy & Planning Sciences, University of Tsukuba
– Building Common Ground: Outlining a Comparative POPS Research Agenda
– Christian Dimmer, Assist-Prof. for Urban Design, Department of Urban
Engineering, the University of Tokyo
17:00-17:30 Discussion and Q & A
– Discussant: Naoto Nakajima, Assoc-Prof. for Urban Design, Department
of Urban Engineering, the University of Tokyo